Cricket’s puppies ~ almost 4 weeks old

Hello Everyone!

Cricket’s puppies are doing great and growing quickly. Cricket became a surrogate mom for some puppies that lost their mom a couple weeks ago, so it has been really adorable to watch both the Labradors and Coon Hounds grow up together (we do not raise Coon Hound – our vet’s office just connected us with these pups who needed some help 🙂 ).

All of Cricket’s puppies are spoken for and we will likely not have anymore labradors available until later this year.

I’m sorry for the poor quality pictures – it was sprinkling most the day and very tricky to capture the pictures as the rain came and went 🙂

Miss Queen

Miss Quincie

Miss Quilla

Dakota couldn’t seem to comprehend the puppies just wanted to snuggle and that they can’t play fetch yet 🙂


Have a great night!

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