Nutella’s Puppies – 2 Weeks!

Nutella had her puppies on August 14th!  She has five chocolates – three males and two females.  She’s done pretty well for being a first time mom, except that in the beginning she kept carrying them and trying to move them everywhere they weren’t supposed to be!  She’s pretty much over that stage now!

Three of these puppies are reserved but there is one male and one female available.  If you would like to reserve one of them, please contact us.

The two girlsIMG_5913


Lydia took the pictures and got some really nice ones of the girls!IMG_5928


Don’t you love this pose? 🙂IMG_5923

The boys weren’t quite as cooperative!IMG_5957


Their eyes are just now opening!IMG_5959


Looks like he’s sniffing his brother’s ear :pIMG_5947

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