Pepper’s Puppies – 5 Weeks Old

Pepper puppies are 5 weeks old today!  They are growing up too fast 🙂  They are so much fun and have so much personality!  All of these puppies are reserved, but I do have available puppies in Lizzy’s litter.

The puppies have reached the sweet, but tricky age for photo shoots.  They are now fully capable of running after you, which they do since they LOVE being with you!  It is precious … but it also makes it tricky because you can’t get the best pictures when they are under your feet 🙂

Anyways, here are some pictures from earlier today.  Please excuse the puppies’ wet paws (and chests) …. it was early afternoon and the grass was still soaked, but I did not want to put the photo shoot off any longer!

Mr. Carter is going to CA.Carter (1)

Carter (2)

Carter (3)

Carter (4)

He didn’t like standing (or sitting) still for pictures … he kept running towards me 🙂Carter (5)

This picture made me laugh!  I have no idea why his hair was sticking up 🙂 Carter (6)

Mr. Rosco (now Oreo) is going to VA. Rosco (1)

Rosco (2)

Rosco (3)

Rosco (4)

Rosco (5)

Rosco (6)

Miss CeCe is staying here in TN.CeCe (1)

CeCe (2)

She was frustrated because I slipped away to snap some pictures! CeCe (3)

CeCe (4)

CeCe (5)

CeCe (6)

Miss Renae is going to CT. Renae (1)

Renae (2)

Renae (3)

Renae (4)

Renae (5)

Renae (6)

Miss Rayna is going NY.Rayna (1)

Rayna (2)

Rayna (3)

Rayna (4)

Rayna (5)

Rayna (6)

Miss Calli (now Lilly) is going to GA … and NO, her paw is not chopped off!  She lifted it as I snapped the picture, so it blurred, but the rest of the picture turned out SO good that I wanted to include it anyways!Calli (1)

Calli (2)

Calli (3)

Calli (4)

Calli (5)

Calli (6)

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