Assata’s Girls – 3 Weeks!

I love these puppies!  They are so adorable!  I offered food for the first time yesterday and they enjoyed it thoroughly 🙂  This is actually a little earlier than we normally start food but they have teeth and I figured Assata might be wanting a break!

My youngest sister Lydia took these pictures for me.  I think this was her first time doing puppy pictures for the blog and she did a great job!

And one of these girls is still available, so contact us if you’d like to reserve her!

This is RavenRaven1


Can I make this jump?Raven3


Picnic basket puppy!  She won’t fit in this for long!Raven5


This is ReeseReese1


She and Raven are the larger two of the black girls and they keep alternating sizes … one day she’s bigger and the next day Raven is bigger!  She was bigger when these pictures were taken 🙂Reese5


Look at the tongue!Reese4


This is Reyna!Reyna2


I have wanted to raise a chocolate puppy for SO LONG and now I finally get to!Reyna3


She’s very playful and interactive … just what I like!Reyna4

Last but not least, Miss Ruby!Ruby1


She is such a doll!Ruby3


Lydia had “Hank” keeping an eye on her! 🙂Ruby6


Sweet dreams!Ruby5

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